This Course Is For You If..

  • You are an Aspiring Tech Innovator

    You’re passionate about emerging technologies but feel overwhelmed by the complexities of Web3 and blockchain

    Our course breaks down blockchain fundamentals, dApp development, and NFT creation into manageable, hands-on steps, giving you the confidence and skills to innovate in the tech space.

  • You're Thinking About a Career in Web3

    You’re looking to transition into a cutting-edge field but lack the knowledge and experience required for Web3 roles

    With targeted modules on crypto trading, dApp management, and NFT minting, our course equips you with practical experience and actionable insights to seamlessly pivot into a Web3 career.

  • You're a Creative Entrepreneur

    You want to leverage the latest trends like NFTs and decentralized applications to boost your business or artistic ventures, but don’t know where to start

    Learn how to mint and market NFTs, understand crypto transactions, and build a strong personal brand in Web3. This course provides the tools and knowledge to turn your creative ideas into successful projects.

Do you feel like we're talking directly to you? Then you're in the right place?

Get Started Today!

Course Content

    1. Welcome to Web3 Made Simple: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating, Earning, and Building in the Decentralized World (Career Development Focus)

    1. What is Web3?

    2. How Web3 is Transforming Industries

    3. Career Paths in Web3

    4. Skills You Need to Thrive in Web3

    5. Test Your Learning

    1. What is Blockchain, and Why is it Crucial for Web3 Careers?

    2. Real-World Applications of Blockchain

    3. Understanding Smart Contracts and Their Use in Automating Tasks

    4. Test Your Learning

    1. Cryptocurrencies: What They Are and How They Work

    2. Wallet Setup and Security: Essential Skills for Crypto Careers

    3. Career Opportunities: Crypto Trading, Advising, Investing, and Educating

    4. Test Your Learning

    1. What are NFTs, and How Are They Used?

    2. Careers in NFT Creation, Marketing, and Management

    3. Practical Skills: How to Mint, Sell, and Market Your Own NFTs

    4. Case Studies of Successful NFT Careers in Art, Music, and Entertainment

    5. Test Your Learning

    1. Introduction to dApps and Why They Matter for the Future of Work

    2. Careers in dApp Development and Management

    3. How to Interact with dApps and Explore Job Opportunities in Finance, Gaming, and Social Media

    4. Test Your Learning

About this course

  • £147.00
  • 35 lessons

What You Will Achieve

  • Master Web3 Fundamentals and Tools

    Gain a comprehensive understanding of blockchain technology and its applications across various sectors. Learn how to navigate decentralized platforms, execute crypto transactions, and create NFTs with confidence. By mastering these foundational skills, you'll be well-prepared to engage with and leverage the transformative power of Web3 in real-world scenarios.

  • Build a Portfolio of Real-World Projects

    Showcase your newfound expertise with hands-on projects that demonstrate your practical skills. Whether you mint your first NFT, develop a smart contract, or execute a crypto transaction, you’ll build a robust portfolio that highlights your ability to tackle complex Web3 tasks. This tangible experience will set you apart from the competition and open doors to exciting career opportunities.

  • Elevate Your Career and Personal Brand

    Stand out in the fast-evolving Web3 landscape by building a powerful personal brand. Learn how to effectively market your skills, engage with industry communities, and network with key players in the Web3 space. With targeted strategies and actionable insights, you'll position yourself as a thought leader and attract opportunities that align with your career goals and passions.

Unlock Your Web3 Future. Master the Skills, Seize the Opportunities